Poverty affects each family differently. Semaphore Poverty Elimination is a metric and both a methodology that allows families to measure their level of poverty and identify customized to address their specific shortcomings strategies. The Semaphore define what "not to be poor" through 6 dimensions: Income and Employment, Housing and Infrastructure, Organization and Participation, Health and Environment, Education and Culture, interiority and motivation.
These dimensions are divided into 50 indicators. Each indicator has three definitions and simple images that represent in a local context it is to be poor end (red), poor (yellow) and non-poor (green). This helps the family identify their situation in each specific indicator.
The semaphore concept breaks the overwhelming poverty in smaller, more manageable problems, making the invisible visible, using simple indicators of each dimension.
One of the greatest strengths of the methodology is to motivate achieve positive results from what is measured. In seeking solutions to each indicator, actions and priorities to better channel existing resources and foster collaboration between all stakeholders are generated.